not that it was on purpose or anything, but when your son takes the worst digger of his short life on your watch, you begin to question your aptitude as a parent. in fact, for some reason he takes all his hardest bumps under my supervision. now i want him to be a rough and tumble boy, but i also want him to live long enough to see his first birthday.
the fall was not spectacular or anything, he was standing, holding onto the gate at the side of annie's parents place, i was right behind him, and all of a sudden he slips and whacks the right side of his forehead on the ground. he only cried about 20 seconds (he was more upset by me trying to put an ice pack on than the lump itself) and then he wanted to get back down so he could play some more. i freaked out a bit, checking websites and calling pediatricians to make sure he was not concussed. turns out he is fine, resuming his normal, active routine today, even as our house is being pseudo demolished, which is a story for a different time.
on a lighter note, we spent a part of the afternoon at the beach today, and isaac had his first experience in the ocean. it is fairly ridiculous that it is the end of july, we live in san diego, and that he is just now getting into the ocean, but we wanted it to be a family affair. he was absolutely ecstatic, loving his time in the water, pictures are below. i am sure there will be many return trips.