playing peek a boo in his new favorite toy, the plastic slide that sits on the back porch
enjoying the park with grandma chris
- on the 19th, annie turned 21 (again) and the celebrations were pleasantly mellow. over the course of a week or so we had brunch with the menconi's, dinner at sammy's with the montgomery's, and dinner out followed by a night to ourselves. it was great to have him stay with somebody else for the night, but it was also kinda weird. our house was much more quiet, creating a distinct gap in our lives. we have become so accostmed to his sounds (the fuzz of the monitor, the banging of toys, and loudly yelled gibberish) that not having those around made us realize his absence. we were glad to be reunited with him.
- isaac has started "walking". it started with like 2 or 3 steps a month or so ago, and has been slow going up until a few days ago. since then he has been taking progressively more steps everyday, working his way up to a consistent 7 or 8 today. we are sure he will be running before too long , but it may be a few weeks till he masters the triple jump.
through this process we have been realizing something about his personality: he does not like to do things unless he can do them well. for a long time he would not even attempt to walk, and now all of a sudden he is improving by leaps and bounds. we have known all along that he is a fighter, but apparently he is also a strong competitor. - his repitoire of sounds is growing. he makes noises for birds (caw-caw), moon (moo), and the new favorite is the lion (a deep guttural growl with teeth bared and neck scrunched). everytime we cheer for him, he smiles and does it again. such a ham.