saturday started well. isaac was hamming it up in daddy's sunglasses...

and later that afternoon we went to a first birthday party for his cousin avery.

there were many gifts...
and many trips down the slide. this one is a king sized slide, much bigger than the one on our back porch that he is used to. he was very proud of his performance.

saturday night, things took a decidedly more dramatic turn, as annie experienced some strong pain and contractions, and we ended up in labor and delivery for a couple hours of monitoring.

fortunately things were not entirely as serious as they could have been, so we returned home to strict bed rest for one of us, and a heavy dose of baby preparatory cleaning for the other.

after we moved the television upstairs so annie could watch it, isaac and i took a break to watch something or another.

auntie allie came over to play, taking isaac's hiding place, which he was not a fan of.

tonight, grammy came over with dinner and playtime.
this whole situation is a truly minor emergency. long term we are well aware of the fact that this too shall pass, and that instead of annie being on modified bed rest (which pretty much means that she spends most of the time on her back, save meals and other necessities) we could have a newborn in the nicu or worse. in the short term, however, it puts a serious cramp in our style, essentially having to find isaac coverage for the time when i am at work. fortunately for us we a tremendous amount of support from family and friends, a couple weeks of meals already scheduled, and a insatiable thirst for irony.
this whole pregnancy, i have been waiting for the other shoe to drop. isaac's process was so full of drama and potentially bad news, it was really hard to believe that there was nothing wrong with ryder. and there is nothing wrong with ryder, he is healthy and moving all over the place, yet this weekend seemed to sound the proverbial thud, proving once and for all that life is never normal around here, but at least it keeps things interesting. we still are not entirely sure what's wrong, but the doctors are taking it very seriously, thus the bed rest.
by far the toughest part of this whole thing is watching my wife be confined to the couch, unable to go walking with friends or even actively engage in our son's playtime that she so desperately loves. i mean, take somebody that loves to be social and on the move, then tell her to spend most of her day semi-alone and sedentary. it bloody sucks.
on the sunny side, isaac is walking all over the place, picking up speed daily, i think next week he is learning the triple jump. we had his 15 month check up today, he is still in the 75th percentile for height and weight (31 and a half inches and 26 pounds and 9 ounces respectively) and 90th percentile for head circumference. lots to celebrate, and at the same time we would covet your prayers.