last sunday auntie bonnie came down to see the boys. she's like your local celebrity in this household. the boys go nuts when she arrives!

catherine was down for a few days and what a sweet time to be with her. the best part was celebrating her birthday, surprise style. the kids were allowed to be there for the surprise and they were loving it.

auntie was back on friday and so sea world was our place to be.

while auntie is in town, stew and i also know we get a date night(we know we are spoiled to have such great families that continue to make our nights out a possibility... thank you!). since both my mom and aunt were watching the boys at our place we headed back to my parents place to drink their beer(thanks dad!) and play some cards. there was no way we were going home before bedtime.

saturday we worked on father's day gifts. a little ice cream bribery goes a long way with the montgomery boys.

isaac is a huge fan of sharing other people's ice cream. don't even think of touching his cup.

the boys LOVE water and there will be plenty of water loving this summer.