Montgomery party of six

Montgomery party of six

Monday, June 22, 2009

once in a lifetime

sometimes i wonder what would happen if i woke up one day and everything about my life had somehow changed overnight without me knowing it. perhaps i live in a different state or an apartment instead of our condo, maybe my boys are not boys but girls named clarice and berta, or instead of a hot italian for a wife i have a slobbish german. some parts of the scenario are obviously worse than others, but i feel like a profound confusion would surround the whole deal.

getting back from atlanta this weekend was the closest i have ever come to this twilight zonish experience. somehow while i was gone, ryder aged like three months in the span of a week. all the things he had just started to do when i left (babble, roll across the room, crane his neck) he now does with one hand tied behind his back. i told annie the duct tape was a little much, but she wanted him to show off his skills.

the video below is a clear demonstration of what i am talking about, shot this past thursday when he turned six months. don't even ask me how that happened while i wasn't looking.


Sarah Griffin said...

too cute!

King of the Mazza Monkeys said...

yeah, there is nothing like a trip that takes you away from your kids to realize that they are actually growing up before our eyes. you don't see the little changes that happen every day, but after being away from them for a week, it is like you have to get re-acquainted. who is this person and why are they waking me up at 5 AM?

bonnieb said...

So much fun! Thanks for keeping this blog. Miss you.


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