so on friday night we went to north coast calvary for their harvest festival (aka halloween for christians). it was quite a production, with probably a couple thousand people there at any given time. the boys were super cute in their costumes, although isaac refused to wear his lion suit, opting instead for another go at the pirate outfit. ryder was compliant, and ended up being pretty much the cutest lion ever.

real pirate and fail pirate

the work crew. isaac was a bit freaked out by allie's bee outfit.

i told you.

isaac found a game involving throwing plastic animals into boats in a kiddie pool. you get candy regardless of whether or not you make them in. why can't golf be more like that?

the kids' attention was somewhere else

allie spent 45 minutes in the dunk tank with all her 4-6 graders lining up for the opportunity to put her into the water. isaac took his own shot, and missed, but i pushed the button anyway.

the sugar buzz is wearing off. time to hit the road.
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