sunday started off good and ended great. i dropped the boys off for sunday school and headed up to the patio for church. i didn't quite make it to the service since i ended up spending the full hour chatting with friends on my way up to church. it was so refreshing that i might need to do that more often.

sunday afternoon we had anne marie and lars (her adorable boyfriend) over for brunch. anne marie is one of my old small group girls from menlo park that i have known since she was in 8th grade. it was a kick to see her all grown up and out of college with a real job! true that my oven decided it wouldn't go above 240 degrees after warming up for a full hour! the good news is that i learned we can make our favorite egg dish in the microwave. sure, it tastes a little less than ideal, but it works.

for dinner we all headed over to my parents to bbq with the ermanis clan. adam's sister, larisa and mom, astrid were in visiting from maryland. it was great to meet larisa for the first time and see astrid again. the kids played, the adults talked and larisa taught me how to better use my camera. thanks larisa! let's hope i can remember it all.

take two

take three

avery and auntie larisa

autumn and her "honey"


glad trooper could make this shot.