so the other day annie and i were walking through one of my least favorite places on earth: the mall. (for those of you who were thinking new jersey, that would be a close second.) it was a mellow saturday evening, people carrying bags and eating hot dog on a stick as they searched the directory for the nearest bathroom.
as we were headed towards the car, we passed a few junior high girls talking excitedly amongst themselves. (i could be crazy but i could have sworn i heard some mention of lyle lovett.) the matching purple shirts suggested they were on some sort of sports team together, and the fact that they came out of the mall pizzeria led me to believe they were probably there for some sort of an end of the year team party. footloose and parent-free, they were off to explore the many wonders of westfield shopping town.
as they passed, i hearkened back to my early teens and days, spent not at the mall with the cool kids, but in my room building lego ships or trading baseball cards. i marveled at, and celebrated, how quickly time had passed since those awkward years, knowing that in no time these girls would soon be looking back at this time with the same fondness, then suddenly realizing it won't be long before isaac will be taking off to hang out with his buddies without me or annie. in like 3 months he will be here, and then the following tuesday he will be headed off to kindergarten, before going on to college and then the hot dog on a stick training academy.
i figure the pace of this pregnancy has given me only an inkling of how quickly once time will pass once isaac is actually here, let alone any other buns we may be able to put in the oven. i am already beginning to become the old person i said i never would be, utterly baffled by the new trend of guys who wear women's jeans that fit like spandex. my jeans were tight enough to be uncomfortable in the 80's, but they are no match for present day style, and you can bet your hypercolor i ain't ever going back. i can't imagine what they will think of next. i just hope i can take it all in before my eyes start to go.
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