so isaac had a couple big firsts last night, first bath, and first successful thumb sucking. he loved the bath, being wiped with warm water and extra sensitive dove (which our pediatrician has told us is way better for him than any "baby" product) and of course at one point took the liberty of relieving himself all over the place. it really is a shame that i had turned off the video camera by that point.
he also was able to manage a thumb sucking episode, something his cleft has prevented him from doing up until this point, but he found a way to make it happen. annie and i were pretty excited, b/c the more self soothing he can do at this point the better. it also is an indication of what we have been coming to realize over these past couple weeks: our son is a genius. now he may not be albert einstein genius, but is for sure at least emeril genius, b/c it takes a genius to yell things while cooking well. any moron can yell things while the pheasant catches fire in the oven and the peas boil over.
it is fun to watch other parts of his personality develop as well. not only is he smart, but he is also strong, stubborn, serious, and alert. he has a mind of his own when it comes to nearly every issue, and if you try to cross him he is going to let you have it. do something he doesn't like and he will scream bloody murder and go stiff as a board. i can't wait until he is 2.