so the blog hasn't been updated in a while, and no news has been good news, as things have slowed considerably for us lately. annie's belly continues to get bigger, and she still looks amazing, but the boy is starting to seriously interfere with her breathing, making it shallow and labored. it is a little creepy for me to wake up in the middle of the night to what sounds like darth vader sleeping next to me, but i am sure it is way worse for her.
july was baby shower month for us, family and friends raining gifts and blessings down on us like a monsoon. i walked into the house one night after one such storm, and was almost paralyzed by the cornucopia of brightly colored items that i found in the living room. it is truly obscene, a violation of modesty and decency, the amount of grace that has been poured upon us these past months. with the birth of our son hopefully two weeks away (we are shooting for the 16th), we can hardly comprehend how much we hold, materially and relationally.
we are both very excited for his arrival, very much looking forward to being with him. it is one thing to shake annie's belly and know he is in there, or for her to see his little foot pushing out trying to make room, but it will be something else entirely to see him, hold him, smell him, and touch him. everybody tells us life will never be the same, i am sure this is true. here's to the rest of the road.
(the picture above was made by combining a typically dashing picture of me with a poor child from a baby gap add. it was sent to me several weeks ago by my friend chris colburn, but i just came across it again this week and thought you might enjoy it.)
1 comment:
You are scary funny and I love you for it. bonnie joyce
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