so we went back to the pediatrician today for isaac's 2 week check up. by 14 days old, babies are supposed to be back to their birth weight, which for him was 6lb. 13oz. today he tipped the scales at 7lb. 3oz. packing on 11 ounces since last monday, putting him about a week and a half ahead of where he needs to be. we are excited, not only b/c it relieves fears about the possibility of him not feeding enough, but also b/c he is well on his way to putting on the weight he needs before his surgery in october/november. in honor of his achievement we are considering a name change to one of the following options:
1. fatty mcghee
2. porky mcporksalot
3. shamu
we continue to be overwhelmed with gratitude for the little things, and our prayer is that we will not forget how amazing these miracles are if we are able to have another go round at this whole parenting thing.
Congrats on the hefty appetite and extra cream production there. So much to be grateful for. So much to remind us of God's love for us. Can you imagine he loves you more than you love Isaac. crazy love. bonster
So much to be grateful for, indeed. No worries about this kid's appetite! And not only does God love you more than you love Isaac (as hard as that is to imagine!) but He also loves Isaac more than you do! Great news.
Grandma Chris
Hey hey wait a minute, don't be changing his name without notice from his grandpa. His middle name is Alfred.
I vote for Porky McPorksalot.
Way to go Chunk!!! Auntie is proud.
Hey Cousin
Your blog was great. That's great to see Isaac growing so fast. He is so cute. Alex was the same way. He grew a pound a week for the first 3months. That put him at 20lb at 13weeks old. Now he will be one on wednesday. It goes SO fast. Don't Blink. I had the same worries as you, it's all normal. I also didn't sleep well worrying about SIDS. Lots of prayer will get you through the worries. Enjoy every moment
Congrats once again
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