ok, so i hear that in the last post dad was talking some sort of nonsense about a father who is asked to kill his son isaac and so i wanted to put a kibosh on that as soon as possible. i plan on sticking around for as long as i can. who knows, i might just live at home till i am 32, but don't tell mom that.
well, life continues to go on here, and i continue to do some pretty amazing things. mom and dad say i am becoming a lot more aware, making eye contact for a lot longer, and with a lot more people. apparently it is a good developmental sign, whatever that means. sometimes i go cross-eyed, but that is just to mess with them.
i am settling down a bit, becoming a bit more mellow, and a little less whiny. i still have pretty bad colic in the evening, but i push through. i am a fighter after all. ain't no gas gonna put me out of commission.
grandpa alfred came over the other day to babysit. he seemed to be a bit upset about the padres playoff chances. i made sure to be on my best behavior so that he will come back to do it again.
we got a new bath bowl, one that i can sit up in by myself. i continue to get stronger, soon i am going to be able to beat dad in an arm wrestling contest. it is all about going over the top.
mom is enjoying a free 21-day membership at curves, she likes getting out of the house and leaving me with dad. everybody says she looks great, and i would agree. i have a hot mom.
dad on the other hand just broke a tooth yesterday. i am not sure what a tooth is, but it doesn't sound like much fun.
ok, i am going to go kick it in my swing. it is one of my favorite places to sleep. i will check you fools later.
peace in the middle east,
Can't wait for Isaac to teach George LaForge some moves! I'm pretty sure they will be buddies.
-The LaForges
Hey Stew, Annie, & sweet Isaac,
I just got connected to your blog. News travels slow out to the midwest. It's been fun to catch up on life with Isaac.
I'm planning to come out at the end of November for a few days to hang out with you all. I can't wait to hold that boy.
You are all in my prayers, I'm rooting for him to become the hulk by Oct. 16th.
Love you all,
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