if you read the last post you know that i am an idiot, and sprained my ankle galloping down the stairs with isaac the other night. it hurt real bad for like a day, xrays in urgent care assured it is not broken, and i have been walking on it since. this morning brought an interesting development, when i hit my foot on the ground, it jiggles. apparently there is a lot of semi-couagulated blood built up in there, like somebody injected hemoglobin jello into the region. it has also got some fascinating color building, as the pictures demonstrate.
"brothers don't shake hands, brothers gotta hug!"
in more important news, the boys (how weird is that plural) are doing well. isaac has been increasingly sweet to ryder, hugs, kisses and minimal pokes to the eyes. perhaps it is b/c ryder continues to get cuter and more monkey-like all the time. whatever it is, we hope it lasts as long as possible before the beatings begin. there are always beatings when it comes to brothers.
i am realizing that ryder is so chill and mellow, that it would be really easy to miss him. his nasty belly button raisin fell off today (finally), and that is one of those things that could very easily be glossed over with a second child. isaac takes so much time and energy, that sometimes it is tempting to just let ryder sit in his bouncer rather than holding him. and sometimes it needs to be that way. but i also need to remember to be intentionally present to him.
1 comment:
Uhm... Are you wrapping the foot to give it some stability or what?
When Ben was born I carried him around in a front pack because I thought he wasn't getting enough holding with the busy life of carrying for two. Not sure what it meant to him but it helped me feel better about not neglecting him since he was so chill compared to Jennie.
That's it for advice not requested. love you guys.
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