ryder sleeps pretty much all the time. i am not complaining or anything, i am just realizing that he and isaac are very different kids. we took ryder with us to lunch with us today, he slept the entire time. when we tried to take isaac to dinner on new years last year he woke up right after we ordered.
it is a good thing too. isaac is beginning to find out that he can throw a decent tantrum. the day before ryder came home he started pitching a fit when he didn't get his way. he is a big kid, so he is a force to be reckoned with when he turns into 28 pounds of writhing toddler: arms up, dead weight, piercing pitch. how is that for timing?
Annie, Your son is beautiful, such a sweet little boy. Congrats!!! Glad to hear he is doing well.
I hear you! Lulu is tall and lean at 32 lbs, but her tantrums have escalated to mach 10!!!
Enjoy the quiet one!
I laugh because what you are writing is so much like what my boys were/are like! Jeremiah smacked Isaac in the head when we brought him home from the hospital. It's amazing what bringing home a baby brother does to your once somewhat milder toddler!
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