happy birthday to my joyful 5 year old!
not too long ago i(stew was all on board, so i guess i should say, we) decided our family needed to scale back on life. less busyness, less go-go-go, less toys, less stuff, less keeping up. it's been so good for us that i decided we would do A LOT less for birthdays as well. we still celebrated with family and a few friends, but no more huge groups with lots of decorating(i was wasting too much time preparing little details that NO KID cared about) and making tons of food. i realized that if i spent my time inviting a lot of people and decorating and preparing, then i'd miss out on enjoying my sweet boys' birthdays. so this year, isaac invited 10 little boys(still a lot in my book) to celebrate at a local park. it was SO LOW KEY! i confessed to stew the day before the party that i felt bad that i hadn't really done anything for the party. he put my fears to rest, reminding me that our kids don't notice those details anyway. boy was he right!

each boy had a spiderman mask and a can of silly string. they chased after stew, "webbing" him:)
the candles wouldn't light so isaac said he would pretend. brilliant idea!
as we drove away, isaac said, "thanks for my party! that was so fun!" turns out, five year old boys don't notice the lack of little details. thank goodness!
isaac, you are a true joy! every single day of your life is the best day ever! you constantly remind me that everything we are doing is so much fun. you are always excited to see friends and want everyone to come over for a play-date (even perfectly good strangers). you see everyone as your friend- i love that quality in you! you continue to teach daddy and i so much. your laid back personality has us learning a lot about patience, as you rarely like to clean up, get dressed or hurry for anything. ha! spiderman has become a favorite for you. you and ryder love to pretend to be superheroes, saving the day. your favorite food is still mac n cheese and milk(if that even counts as a food). swimming is proving to be your favorite activity. you and your brother spend hours swimming. i love that you enjoy wherever you are and whoever is with you. you have a way of making people feel special and i love this quality. i am certain that Jesus is going to use you in mighty ways and i am so grateful He trusted us with you. thank you for being such a great big brother. your joy and kindness is contagious. may you always know that Jesus loves you! happy birthday big boy! we love you!
love, mommy