so, i spent the weekend hanging out with junior high students at an overnight broomball trip. ironically i probably got about as much sleep as usual. isaac on the other hand got visits from a couple of our favorite bonnie's.
our faithful friend bonnie joyce was down from menlo and brought him a cute outfit with crocodiles on it. we spent the morning hanging out and catching up on life and gossip.
auntie bonnie came that afternoon and brought him a teddy bear dressed like a pirate. it was from the build-a-bear workshop at disneyland. rumor has it she had to sell a kidney on ebay to finance it, but she maintains that isaac is "worth every penny".
he is cooing up a storm lately, we love to sit around and hear him blab. smiles abound, at least when his gas pains are not giving him too much trouble.
the two month check up on monday went well, he is up to one ounce shy of 10 pounds, in good shape for his initial surgery consult. we thought it was today, turns out it is tomorrow. we will probably post details about that soon.
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