march madness just about sums it up for our family. here's a little glimpse into our past month.
- we survived the 6 day stomach bug for the 4th time in 2.5 months (i'll save you the gory details).
- bleach became our new best friend.
- decided on a new preschool for the two older boys for next year.
- the boys discovered their love for playing "buzz" together(praise the LORD!)
- did i mention that the boys had the stomach bug AGAIN?!
- ryder's glue on the forehead has lasted all month.
- i fell in love with shauna niquist. love her! she has me laughing and crying. these books are exactly what i needed to read at this point in my life. finishing up her second book now. if you haven't read her books, she's better than hunger games. ok, truth be told, i haven't read hunger games.
- the boys spent time with their grandmas, grandpas and aunties.
- asher has had to be sleep trained AGAIN! (oh the beauty of a sick little one.)
- did a little spring cleaning, followed by a garage sale- made some cash!
parachutes were launched over and over again.
- lots of playing at home due to sick children. (isaac took this picture)
- isaac took many horrible pictures of me.
- this guy continued to prove he was one of the brothers and will not be left out.
- plenty of laughing (by the grace of God).
- camping trip canceled. we made up for it with a trip to pizza port. the boys slept in their warm beds that night, as it poured rain.
- ryder drew his first self portrait.
- lots of picking out our own outfits.
- asher's 7th tooth joined the scene
- several trips to legoland and the aquarium.
- we were reminded how well our children go to sleep at night and how early they continue to wake up(even with daylight savings).
- many trips to the park to burn energy.
- lots and lots of hair ties were made and sold(we even landed in a few local and distant shops). thank you friends and family for spreading the word! turns out a little review on anthropologie holds a lot of credit with many women. who would've thought?! i am still slowly plucking away at my VERY little business, hairtied. if you want to keep up with it, we'd love for you to follow us on facebook.
here's to finishing out the rest of march with plenty of laughter and NO MORE VOMIT! bring on easter!
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