the festivities continued on christmas morning at the menconi's.

ryder immediately found his stocking, and kept repeating "ball"

the aforementioned ball kept him occupied for a good part of the morning

somebody is beginning to understand the whole present thing

ryder with the sport stuff, and isaac with the art stuff. just about right.

"ryder, this is how you make a carpet angel."

in an effort to make the morning a bit more entertaining, i brought the tigger outfit home from work. i figured it would be funny to hand out presents as isaac's favorite pooh character. turns out it was a big hit with ryder, isaac cried and kept signing "all done".

the new pooh train was a big hit with both boys. even though it was given to ryder, isaac threw an absolute fit when it was time to let go of it for nap time.

isaac admires his own handiwork.

we could not open the presents quickly enough.

another big hit, with all the boys, was the thomas fort
isaac ran over to autumn's house to see what santa left for her.

still keeping the christmas cheer
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