good morning, birthday boy!

party time!
isaac wanted a
sid the science kid birthday party and so that's what we had. lots of bug hunting, bug decorating and dirt eating (crushed up oreos and graham crackers with gummy worms).

sid party would be complete without a personalized bug catcher and worm cupcakes.

let the bug hunting begin!

decorating galore!

isaac was totally over the camera as you can tell from many of the shots, but he actually asked me to take one of him with daddy.

after naps we headed back over to my parents' house for pizza. it was one amazing day! a special thanks to my aunt and mom who truly helped us put everything together while i was too sick to move.
my oldest baby turned 3! three years ago i couldn't have imagined what my life would look like at this point. i had know idea the circumstances we would go through and the joy we would receive. i can't say i would have chosen to go through all of them, but i am confident that it is with great purpose that we were given such minor issues (
cleft lip,
microtia and minor hearing loss) that
once seemed so big. and in case i haven'tmentioned it yet, isaac's hearing continues to improve along with his speech!!
every mom thinks their children are the best and i am sure it's because we know them so well and love them unconditionally. all that aside, i have to brag about my oldest for a moment. isaac is a kind little boy who truly loves others, especially his friends. from the day this child was born he has
been enjoying life.
his belly laugh is contagious and i seriously can't get enough of it. he is kind to his little brother, tolerating more than i probably would as an older sibling. isaac is a great big brother.
just last week we were at the ENT getting his ears checked and cleaned(for
the 100th time). isaac screamed bloody murder the entire time he was pinned down. the minute the doctor completed the exam, isaac popped up and announced, "i did it!" he then proceeded to thank everybody in the office and said good bye. i love this about isaac; he faces some challenges that he probably would rather skip, but still comes out excited and ready to move on. this child is a survivor and i am one proud mom!
my prayer for my boys is that they would be men of good character, who love Jesus. this world needs more men who are bold in what is right and wrong and aren't afraid of standing up for truth. it will take nothing short of grace to get them to this point, but i am confident that God is at work in their lives.