when you become a father, you don't imagine that changing a diaper would ever be a highlight. yet this morning i was grateful to be able to do just that. it was even poopy. what a treat.
annie also got to take ryder's temperature this morning, then later on she got to hold him for the first time. he made small noises and looked around, but he may as well have danced the cha cha we were so excited.
he is coming along pretty well, making more of an occassional wheezy/whiny/squeaky sound than the constant grunt he was originally making, meaning the fluid in his lungs is dissipating. they have also started him on a round of antibiotics, a precautionary measure meant to gaurd against any possible infections. we should know tomorrow if there is, in fact, any sort of infection to contend with.
unfortunately, he is not progressing as quickly as we would hope, and may be in the nicu for a while longer. this news is far easier to deal with now during the daylight hours than it was when we initially found out about it at 4:30 am. we are a bit weary, but are quickly reminded that although we may be jealous of the people with "normal" kids who get to spend their time with their families, there are others whose children have been in the nicu for weeks and months. when we start to wonder about the timing of ryder's birth, we remember that the same thing could have just as easily happened to a baby born at 40 weeks instead of 38. we are making our best attempt at patience, and looking for the grace available in each moment.
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