isaac's reaction ranged from disinterest, to mild curiosity, to downright adversarial when he was supposed to share something like the bouncer
"hey, ryder, pull my finger."
(actually, isaac has learned to touch him with only one finger to avoid breakage)
the brothers montgomery
the bath at the hospital left him with a bit of a mowhawk
aunt megan got to meet him before returning to charolette
we got all dressed up for the charger party at grammy and grampy's house. this picture cracks me up b/c it looks like he is posing for a magazine the way his hips are offset.
a big thanks to all of you who prayed and called and fed and emailed and all the rest. ryder continues to be super chill, sleeping, eating, or pooping all over the place. we love having him, and isaac will get used to sharing the attention soon...we hope.
The charger outfit made me laugh outloud....That is hysterical!
Greatest family picture ever. Hard to believe that Annie gave birth less than two weeks ago!
Love to the four of you.
Heather, Drew, and Clara
It is sooo good to see your family all together! Our best to you all!!
I'm so glad Ryder is home....what a handsome little guy....looks just like you,Ann!
Yahoo! I'm so glad your boy got to come home.
good good. now the fun part :) Cute first family picture too.
That's awesome he his home!!
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