i don't think i realized how much easier it would be to have a kid who walks instead of crawls. sure it poses other challenges, but overall i would take a kid who walks over a kid who crawls most any day. lately he has been wandering all over our condo complex, perfectly content to explore and collect random treasures, while i am perfectly content to follow and make sure he doesn't do anything that could cause injury or lawsuit.
his heels are starting to get calloused from all the travel, and he is finding more coordination everyday. he certainly qualifies as a toddler, in fact he toddles all over the place. he no longer raises his arms up over his head as he walks, but rather holds him at his sides just like normal people.
this morning we woke him up at 5:30am so we could take him down to children's hospital for a minor surgery. it was the second time he has this procedure, one that put drainage tubes into his ears to prevent fluid build up. fortunately they were able to get tubes in both ears today, a sign that his canals are growing, which hopefully means that more sound is getting in there, resulting in better hearing. we will confirm this theory in a month or so when we do yet another hearing test.
ryder is less than two weeks away, and we couldn't be more pleased. too tired to say much more.
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