oh little love, how are you already 11 months old? i continue to call you baby asher, knowing that this name can't last forever. you continue to be my little cuddle bug even though you think you're as big as the brothers. you insist you can keep up with them and HATE being left out. i've never seen a child take so many hits and keep on going. you are trying so hard to walk. you've managed a few steps on your own, but still crawl most places. you are now eating almost all foods and have really scaled back on the milk. i am pretty sure you see what your brothers are eating and want in on the goods. i tried to take your 11 month picture, but you wouldn't sit still. the brothers were close by and quickly jumped on the couch to help. they think you're pretty great and you feel the same about them. when daddy walks in the door, you fuss until he holds you. daddy is a true family favorite! you have had a snotty nose the past couple of weeks which has made it hard for you to breathe at night. i must admit i kind of enjoy our late night snuggles (daddy's not such a fan). you LOVE to dance! when i sing the "oh yeah" song, you pump up and down and smile. we howl! you clap and want us to cheer. you throw your hands up in the air and look for us to hoot and holler. you are our little entertainer and we enjoy you!
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