but the wild animal park (currently known as the san diego zoo's safari park) has always been a great place for animals of all species and ages. our older two beasts and i went with my mom to check out what has changed in the past 10 years since i had last been there.

first stop was the gorillas.

grandma chris said this one looks like papa alan when he does not get his coffee.

ryder was pretty excited about the monkeys. part of that is probably due to the fact that we call him our little monkey b/c of his love for bananas, his wiry gymnastics, and poop flinging ability.

the lions had the right idea. we were all ready for one of these by the time the day was over.

the tram ride was next, and now is included in the cost of admission. ryder liked the cheetahs.

isaac has some snacks out, just in case a wayward animal was hungry

one of the last stops was the elephant enclosure. lots of tusks and floppy ears.

isaac and ryder clutch their souvenirs: isaac a stuff animal owl (which he named isaac) and ryder a sticker book.
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