our staycation continued! we decided to spend our last week in august hitting up the local amusement parks. that wednesday we met up with some friends at sea world and took it by storm.

i can't remember the name of this lizard but i do remember the highlight was that it's tongue was blue! ryder wanted to touch it while isaac wanted to keep his distance. i am with isaac on this one.

the boys were proud that their dad was apart of the crew! i was pretty thrilled myself! i cannot tell you how much easier it is to have an extra set of hands when heading out with three little boys(that sometimes listen). i kept telling stew that my clothes were getting tight since i didn't have to work so hard during our staycation. i sometimes forget that these kids ARE my gym membership;)

the boys thought the beluga whales were amazing. ryder has mentioned a few times over the last few weeks that the whales "were white like a sheep". i am guessing he was expecting all whales to be dark? life is full of those little fun surprises especially when you're two.

best part of this picture: stew! please check him hiding behind the kids while holding up asher. this photo makes me laugh!

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