can you handle his cuteness?! yesterday marked 6 months of asher! he celebrated by showing us his first tooth(bottom left)! his dad celebrated by winning the belly flop competition at camp. asher is truly a third born, happiest when both brothers are close and giving him attention. life is crazy, but i seriously love it(no we are NOT planning to have a 4th for a long time)! i am pretty sure having our families so close helps make our life so much more enjoyable. it also doesn't hurt to be surrounded by friends in a similar stage of life. thank you all!

it's no wonder the third born is easy going. thank goodness asher is so big!
no, I really can't handle his cuteness, because those first two pictures are ridiculous!! Call the cute baby contest already. Six months already? Sheesh.
how do you get him to smile so big? so cute
thanks guys!
evelyn, he is a little smiler! he and isaac seem to have similar personalities...we'll see.
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