a little birthday celebration with lots of candy!

we came home to this sweetness!

almost ready for bed (i realize this one is not from my phone, but it works since i am not always a huge fan of rules).

we celebrated 6 months of our littlest love

grandma chris came over for a few hours. the boys were excited to give her the birthday cards they had made. happy birthday grandma chris!

my aunt bonnie came down thursday afternoon to spend the night and help me as we ran all over this town, meeting friends at the park, buying new toys at target and a quick drive by at swirls. once the boys were down i even got to go for a walk all by MYSELF!!

my aunt's friend grows all kinds of tomatoes. she sent down two huge bags for us and this is what we have left. ryder and i have been popping them like candy!

the last thing stew said to asher was, "don't you go and crawl while i am gone." and so asher didn't, but he did start hopping. we find him all over the place. not sure when he'll start to crawl(we're in NO RUSH!!) but it sure is funny to watch him hop around!
Oh Annie those boys are just so cute. Asher is adorable sucking his thumb and hoping on the floor. He so has his own look and yet they all look so alike. Those boys are so lucky to be so close in age. they are going to love growing up together.
thanks jewels! we sure hope they remain friends over the years. i feel like the older they get the easier it is to have them so close in age :)
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