Montgomery party of six

Montgomery party of six

Sunday, July 10, 2011

hearing aid in the spin cycle

isaac has been so good with his hearing aid. he let's us know when it's not working, if it's in wrong and who took it out. we have owned this one for almost one year which is pretty good for a three year old! well, you can add washing isaac's hearing aid in the washing machine to my list of not such great moments in 2011(i am not going to remind anyone of the other moments that i could list here).
it was the 4th of july when that little hearing aid made it's way into our washer and stew thought we should try to forget about it for the day so we could enjoy ourselves. very good call by my kind and forgiving husband. we let it dry out for a few days before trying to see if it would turn on. it did end up turning on, but we could only hear static. we called the audiologist and found that we get one replacement. praise the LORD! these things are NOT CHEAP! our request for a rental was granted while we wait for the replacement to arrive! friday stew ran to children's to make the swap while i took the older boys to meet some friends at the pool. i am so grateful for friends and family that have prayed for us during these little hiccups in life.


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