isaac has been talking about his buzz lightyear party since christmas when we gave them the toy story 3 movie. it was then that he decided that he wanted a buzz birthday party and that he would be buzz for halloween (costume is ready to go). he loves the fact that buzz flies and even saves the train in the opening scene of the movie. Isaac often requests that we fly him around like buzz, not sure when he'll grow out of that, but all 42 pounds of love is getting hard to accommodate.
isaac has been given so many special friends. every mom wants their child to have good friends in life and isaac has just that. what a special treat to see you child interact with other children that they call friends.
this boy loves his gaga! and fo
r good reason. isaac could go on and on about gaga, just ask him.
my aunt has faithfully come down to watch and play with our children every other weekend and sometimes during the week. i feel so fortunate that not only do i have a sweet relationship with my aunt, but so do my boys. thank you. auntie. i know the sacrifices you make and we appreciate it
isaac wanted everyone he knows to come to his party! heck, the child was inviting strangers! i love that about him! he calls everyone a friend and he means it. unfortunately his mom and dad have this little thing called a budget and space and so we limited his party guests. i am pretty sure the guy in target didn't want to come to this 4 year old birthday party, but i love that he asked. one of these days i'll stick to the motto of one friend per year of age, just not sure when.
isaac and i have been planning his party for months, thanks to pinterest. there were a couple of things he requested and a rocket hunt was one of them. come to find out there's not a lot of cheap rockets to buy so we made ours. thank goodness for those pool noodles! i cut those things right up and stew and i hot glue gunned tops on to them. we "hid" enough for each kid to find one that they could later decorate and then tons of army men, plastic planets, stars and such for all the kids to find. i am pretty sure ryder did the final clean up of the leftover items. hi bag was filled to the rim. no surprise there. love my little treasure hunter!
once the kids had filled their bags with goodies on the hunt they came to the arts and crafts tables to decorate their rockets. lots and lots of GLUE!
the other thing isaac continued to ask for was
this rocket. we found it on pinterest and he was certain we had to have it. another little project for stew and me.
of course he wanted buzz cupcakes! thank goodness these little toppers weren't too difficult to make and he was happy. it didn't hurt that they were placed on this amazing rocket that barbara gave the boys while we were away on
our anniversary trip. seriously great toy!
with the stickers i purchased
here and at target i was able to make his buzz cupcake toppers.
isaac was almost a little shy as we all sang happy birthday. i love this part of the party, honestly my favorite part. i love that i get to hold him as we all celebrate him and his precious life. every year it's a sweet moment for me as i remember what a gift isaac is to our family. four years ago this child introduced me to a kind of love i had never felt before and now feel for three priceless little boys. i friend
pointed out a sign on pinterest (can you tell what i spend my free time doing?) that i absolutely love. it couldn't be more true!
this little hunky loves his cupcakes!
isaac gave a little love to his friends, thanking them for coming to his party!
there's nothing like growing up near cousins! how cute are these kids!
when barbara walked through the door, isaac declared, "barabara's here!" thanks for coming!
auntie allison, thanks for celebrating another year of
isaac's life. it's always fun when you're around.
mom and dad, thank you for yet again opening your home so that we could celebrate together. i know it's a lot of work and we are so grateful!
can you tell these boys are well loved?! i seriously love the fact that our kids get to have both sets of grandparents involved in their lives.
we are never going to have a family photo where we are all looking at the camera and smiling and it's better that i just accept that fact.
seriously, tell me that i am not one lucky mom! i can't imagine my life without these three! they can bring me to the point of wanting to lock them outside (which i do when i've just about had it) and they can melt my heart all in the same day. heck, the same hour. i love that i get to be their mom. best. job. ever.
asher slept through the entire party. can't blame him as he is recovering from his ear infection and has a lot of sleep to catch up on.
truth be told, we decided to have isaac wait to open his gifts until after the party. this was a huge distraction to him throughout the party. he kept asking when he could open his presents. we were laughing about the fact that as his friends would show up with a gift, he would take it and say thanks and add it to the stack.
isaac, you are such a treat to be around! we love your love for life. every day is the best day yet for you (well, almost every). you have a gift of enjoying the simple things and want to include us in that enjoyment. i appreciate how hard you work at things that i take for granted, like talking and listening. these minor challenges aren't holding you up and that makes me so proud. your heart is precious. you can tell when someone is sad and that's hard for you. you usually want to help them feel better or as you say, "you happy now." i look forward to watching you grow up and at the same time i want to freeze you as this sweet, innocent and kind little boy. you are quick to forgive and quick to make friends. i pray that you will always know you are loved and that God made you unique and with purpose. i love you dearly and that will never change. i am so proud to be your mom. happy 4th birthday! love, mommy
ps. tonight you went to bed without your binki for the first time in almost 4 years. you actually didn't put up much of a fuss. you told me you couldn't sleep and when i told you that i knew it was hard, but that you could do it, you believed me. within about 10 minutes you were out. way to go! not sure why i thought we couldn't do this earlier. sorry that i sometimes forget what a big boy you are.