they love asher with both great gentleness and great force, and in their zeal to entertain him, sometimes causing him to jump and burst into tears with fright. ryder has picked up on the fact that i call his younger brother "chubba lubba" and has taken to calling him it pretty often. tonight on our walk home from the school down the street, isaac played this little piggy with asher's little piggy toes.

homeboy was also diagnosed with his first ear infection today, yet another instance of when annie was right and i was wrong about the physical condition of one of our children. his screaming refusal to go to bed at night has gotten on my nerves the past few days, and i might have slightly hinted that he is become a manipulator and simply crying to avoid missing out on the party while he is in bed.

it is amazing to us how well all of our kids' names fit them, and asher's is no different. meaning happy or blessed, he is one of the happiest babies we know, and continues to be a blessing to our family each day.

check out his two chompers

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