i am addicted to pinterest and it was through my new favorite addiction that i found my desire to host a favorite things party. turns out that melissa had already heard of these parties (clearly she's more in the loop than i am!) and was already wanting to plan one! we had so much fun planning this little shindig. we even managed to find a new favorite meal (the thai peanut something wrap) at wine steals as we were "planning" one evening over a glass of wine.

please note that we now have a shared email account. we're totally those dorky girls. no shame. heck, go ahead and email us!
along with the invite we included these instructions: Here’s how it works… You bring 5 items of one of your favorite thing 6 bucks and under (not 5 different items….5 of the same item)…examples are kitchen utensils, lipgloss or nail polish, food, anything that you LOVE and want to introduce the group to. Have fun with it! There will be no judging…..unless your item totally sucks. Just kidding!

every gal went home with a bag full of goodies...a pen for note taking, a survey(previously put together) of all the gals favorite things( ie... makeup, date night, restaurant, store, and such), a set of everyones favorite recipes all tied up in strings (previously submitted earlier on), and a CD with a compilation of our current favorite songs(O.P.P. might have made its way on the CD). the night of the party all the women could use the bags to tote their new items home.

as each gal walked in they stopped to put there name on five pieces of paper before dropping them into the jar. they then grabbed a question hanging on the tree, to be answered later.

there were different questions that melissa put together, hung on the tree with numbers to give an order to the gifting process. i chose this question because i knew without a shadow of a doubt which day i would love to live over and over... the day i married stew! it really was my favorite day, surrounded by our friends and families, celebrating the years to come.

no shocker here, but i brought my favorite colored serving bowl/dessert bowl, from my favorite store(anthropologie), filled with one of my favorite candies and a recipe that calls for those health bars.

melissa's favorite thing was adele. i seriously can't hear adele's music without thinking of her. it was perfect that she brought these CDs and it was perfect that i GOT ONE!! i got some great new favorites! one that i would recommend and will be buying as gifts are these. you can buy them at hansens surf shop and pure barre and probably a thousand other places. honestly, the best hair tie i have ever worn. leave it to the gal who works at pure barre to know the ins and outs of what works. thanks, murph!

the goodies!

loved hearing all the answers to the questions.

jamie holds her favorite thing up and it was potato soup (i didn't get it, but i plan on buying it). love the fact that she shared that you just need to add water which is good since she always has water on hand.

the crew that was willing to give this crazy 'favorite things' party a whirl! thanks!

a special thanks to these two! how cute are they?! andy, thank you for your photography skills. i always appreciate the man willing to help a group of girls capture a fun memory!
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