sunday we were up and out(or at least stew was. the rest of us didn't get to our service project until 9). this year i signed up(thanks, karen!) to work at the MOPs rummage sale. all the money was donated(how cool is that?!) along with the leftover stuff. it was great to be apart of something that was more than sitting in a pew. i love that our church gets up and gets out. it was fabulous that many of the MOPs moms did an amazing job at gathering so many items to sell(many hours were donated to collect items). thanks to their time and effort we were able to donate money to moms in our community that are in need. the president of the MOPs i attend has a heart for women and not just women that go to our church(love that!). she has done such an amazing job at welcoming women from all over and giving them a place to belong. i am so grateful we have a leader who is about meeting women where they are and not forcing them into church but rather welcoming them into a place of asking questions and meeting friends. it's amazing to me that so many of these women have decided to make sbpc their church due to the love and welcoming they felt at MOPs. thank you, ericka! what an example you set for me!
the picture above is the boys on a snack break from their projects. i wasn't with them, but i was told they got to help pack hygiene kits. how cute are they?(baby asher stayed home with auntie bonnie. he'll be helping next year;)

sunday afternoon we played at my parents and joined them for dinner(thanks!!) my sister has been bringing her silk worms from school by so the boys can see them as they are growing. ryder loves this!

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